Dad Uses CPR Learned From ‘The Office’ to Save Daughter’s Life
I will be 100% real with you: I have this scene from The Office saved when ever I need to revisit it.
A lot of us love this scene, but one dad actually learned something from it. It turns out, what he learned helped save his daughter’s life.
During a game of tag, 4-year-old Vera Posy collapsed. Dad Matt Uber found her and immediately started chest compressions and breaths until help arrived. He had no formal training — he remembered how to perform CPR from an episode of “The Office.” His quick actions helped save Vera’s life.
“When I was trying to think about what do I know about CPR, (my mind literally went) to that episode of ‘The Office,’ where they are doing CPR training and doing the compressions to the beat of ‘Stayin’ Alive,’” Uber, 46, of Carmel, Indiana, told TODAY. “It’s just what kicks in, what’s in your head, and that’s fortunate.”
Read more now HERE!
Have you learned anything from TV shows? I thought I was drowning as a kid and did THIS to stay afloat thanks to G.I. Joe.